With their holistic approach to sustainability, Sunrise R-IX School District in De Soto, Missouri, was recognized by the US Department of Education as a Green Ribbon School. Focusing on teaching the importance of waste reduction to students, the district has installed rain barrels, tower gardens, an aquaponics system, and water bottle refilling stations.

Students are encouraged to bring recyclable items from home to ensure they are properly recycled. The school composts over 40 pounds of food scraps on-site every week and this year will introduce a Feed the Pigs program in partnership with local hog producers which will result in a reduction of lunchroom food waste by 90%. Additionally, 75% of students participate in a program where they bring food waste their families generate at home to feed into the school’s compost.
Read Sunrise School’s Green Ribbon nomination package here: https://www.greenstrides.org/sites/default/files/webform/2020_SHORTENEDSunrise_EDGRS_FullPacket_0.pdf
Photo: https://sites.google.com/a/sunrise-r9.org/sunrise-r-ix-stem-resource/feed-the-worms-program
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