Shirley High School's Kathryn Knapp, 11th and 12th grade English teacher, received a $275 Grants in Place award for her Southern Writers Exploration project. Knapp was recently recognized at her Shirley, Arkansas school district by Renee Carr, Rural Schools Collaborative board chair and Rural Community Alliance chief financial officer, and Michael Paul Bramlett, Shirley High School Principal. Additional funding support for Knapp's project was provided by the Rural Community Alliance.
Knapp's students will conduct community interviews in conjunction with a Southern writers unit and attending the Arkansas Literary Festival. We look forward to sharing the results of Knapp's place-based engagement.
The 2016-17 Rural Schools Collaborative Grants in Place program was truly a collaborative venture. The combined efforts fund 33 projects serving 54 communities, supporting the good work of more than 60 teachers from seven states. Twenty-two funders and individual donors came together to invest more than $105,000 in rural place-based education initiatives and projects. The groundbreaking work of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks’ Rural Schools Partnership certainly led the way, but others are truly beginning to see the real value of supporting student learning that is imbedded in the community and serves a public purpose.
Please check out this year's projects. They were selected from more than 70 applications from 12 different states. We hope you will join us in our ongoing endeavor to enlist additional funders and create even more place-based opportunities for teachers and their respective communities.
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