History and Literacy Come Together in Arkansas!

History, literacy, and place-based learning come together in Arkansas!

February 8, 2018 |

Bobbi Grandon's Western Grove, Arkansas students work on a 3-D map of their home state, Arkansas, for this Grants in Place history and literacy project.

Congratulations to Western Grove School's Bobbi Grandon and her students on successfully completing their place-based project, Mentoring through Arkansas History, an interdisciplinary Literacy and Arkansas History project. The students studied Arkansas' regions while reading A Painted House by John Grisham. The students discovered Arkansas' unique geography while creating a 3-dimensional map of Arkansas. The outcome was a project booklet that featured writing and research by the students.

The grant was funded through the 2017-18 Grant in Place program, with support funding from the Rural Community Alliance and the Rural Schools Collaborative (RSC). The Rural Community Alliance is a founding partner of the Rural Schools Collaborative and hosts RSC's Arkansas Hub.

Since 2015 RSC's Grants in Place partners have provided more than $250,000 to rural teachers in support of innovative place-based education projects.

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