Rural Schools Collaborative Board Approves 2016-17 Action Plan

Plan will drive work into the New Year!

December 20, 2016 |

The Rural Schools Collaborative board of directors, under the leadership of 2016-17 chair Renee Carr, approved a previously proposed organizational action plan during its November 16, 2016 board of directors meeting. RSC's annual action plans drive the ongoing and mission-driven work of the organization.

Our mission statement: The Rural Schools Collaborative strengthens the bonds between rural schools and communities through place-based engagement, rural philanthropy, and developing teacher-leaders.

Action Plan for 2016-17

  • Enhance and approve a revised organizational Belief Statement, Mission Statement, and Scope of Work.
  • Approve and act upon a three-year capitalization strategy that will provide adequate operations support for July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.
  • Explore and consider national-level partnerships that would augment the Collaborative’s work.
  • Advance the Rural Teacher Corps through a webinar/videoconference, researching other potential partners while continuing to explore the different elements of the concept.
  • Move forward with an organizational structure that includes hubs and key point people and formalizing the roles of partners.
  • Survey 2015-16 Grants in Place recipients to help determine the impact of RSC’s inaugural teacher-centered grant program.
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