RSC's Northern California Hub Partner Chico State University have become leaders in researching and improving rural student recruitment and experience in higher education, highlighted by the North State Student Ambassadors Group. Hub lead Karen Schreder, along with RSC advocate Ann Schulte, recently coauthored an article highlighting the importance of belonging and engagement for rural students on college campuses.

To read about best practices in rural student groups and key outcomes, read the full journal article here, published by The Rural Educator, a leading journal published by RSC's Mississippi Hub partner Mississippi State University and the National Rural Education Association.
Rural Students Find Their Voice on a College Campus
For rural students, finding one’s voice and identity on a college campus and developing a sense of belonging are important for engagement and degree persistence. Rural affinity groups can create a feeling of comfort or connection that affirms students’ place identity and can lead to a more successful college experience. Additionally, an organized group of students can be a resource for the university to learn more about rural places, cultivate collaborations with rural communities, and develop a positive rural narrative. At California State University, Chico, the North State Student Ambassadors are paid student representatives of their rural communities. They do campus outreach as well as act as college ambassadors in their home communities. Key outcomes so far have been increased pride in the students’ rural identities and a greater visibility on campus for rural issues.