We are proud to announce our Southern Wisconsin Hub!

Our southern Wisconsin hub will serve as a model for agricultural education, farm-to-school, and sustainable school initiatives.

October 17, 2017 |

Kids in Cambridge, WI work in a school garden. Fostering connection to place through sustainable agriculture education is vital part of engaging many rural students with their town's current and past landscape.

Rural Schools Collaborative is proud to officially announce our fifth regional hub in our network of action-oriented hub sites across the country.

Our southern Wisconsin hub will focus on sharing the stories and models of schools demonstrating excellence in the areas of sustainable agriculture education, place-based local food and farm-to-school programs, and sustainability initiatives.

RSC has partnered with Cambridge, WI's Farm to School program to establish the Cambridge Farm to School Fund, an independent fund created to cultivate the mission of the organization to "promote healthy nutrition, foster connection to real food through education and practice, and to have community ownership of the value produced."

Emily Meier, RSC Associate Director for Community Engagement, is excited to take on the role of hub contact for the southern Wisconsin region. "We are looking forward to sharing the stories of so many successful small schools making strides in local food-related program in southern Wisconsin," said Meier. "Additionally, we'll be highlighting partnerships with strong organizations like Green and Healthy Schools Wisconsin."

For further information on exemplary work being done in Southern Wisconsin, read more below:

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