Jean Remfer, Lincoln, NE

Using the internet for an art project that you can do too

July 7, 2020 |

We are asking how COVID-19 is impacting rural communities. Read below for a perspective from Art Teacher Jean Remfer of Lincoln, NE, about how her students were able to use the internet for an art project (as well as instructions, if you are interested in recreating this fun activity). You can share your own perspective here:

Raymond Central might be rurally located, but my Art 8 students got to see some of Joslyn's Art Collection. I have attached some images from the assignment along with the assignment:

Activity One: Log, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, NE; click on Collections & Exhibitions; click on Permanent Collections, then choose American. Scroll down to see many images of famous paintings that are in the Joslyn collection painted by American artists. Make sure that they are paintings and not sculptures. You will need to read some of the information to the right of each image.

Activity Two: Choose one of the paintings, except for Eastman Johnson's painting titled "A Child with a Rabbit". Copy and paste (highlight, ctrl C and then ctrl V) the painting onto a new document and save. Next, copy and paste (highlight, ctrl C and then ctrl V) the first 2 lines that are to the right of the painting and make this the title of your document. The first line will list the artist's name and when the artist lived. The second line will list the name of the painting and when it was done.

Now, recreate the painting as closely as you can using anyone OR a pet OR anything that you find in your house that resembles what you see in the painting that you selected. Take an image. If you are in the image, ask someone to help you with this part of the activity. Copy and paste your photograph onto the same document as the famous painting you saved. The 2 images should be side by side, as in my example provided for you to view. I have attached my example along with other examples in a Word Document that you can view.

The art students commented that they really enjoyed the lesson and looked at more artwork than what I had asked them to view!

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