Kathryn Vaughn, Tipton County, Tennessee

Teaching Art in the Covid-19 Environment

March 3, 2020 |

We are asking rural communities to share how COVID-19 is impacting them and how teachers and teacher-leaders are adapting in the face of nationwide school closures. Read below for an art instructor's perspective from Kathryn Vaughn of Tipton County, Tennessee (Brighton Elementary). You can share yours here: buff.ly/3d7hWUe

"I teach visual art to 800 rural title 1 elementary students. My school has yet to issue any teach from home mandates. Many of my students do not have devices or WiFi at home. I myself do not have a working computer at home or any art supplies. Rural schools are desperately underfunded and I work several additional jobs to make up what my teacher pay doesn’t cover. Without my 2nd-3rd jobs right now, I won’t be able to afford WiFi for my home much longer. I am so worried."

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