Lupe Funderburk

Lupe Funderburg teaches English at Hamilton High School in California and is a mentor teacher in Chico State University's RiSE Program.

July 7, 2018 |

Teaching with a resident teacher is a unique and rewarding experience. Having a colleague to plan lessons with, co-teach and reflect with, makes a positive impact on our students. Students have two professionals to learn from, approach with questions, or to seek advice.

We provide as many opportunities for students as we can. For example, we attend a Broadway play or musical in San Francisco once a year, and we have international teachers from all over the world who visit our campus for two weeks and teach culturally diverse lessons. Fortunately, students also have access to technology and therefore access to current events, class assignments, and can check their progress by using our mobile or library labs.

Teaching in a small, rural town feels very familial and inclusive. The community is supportive of our athletic programs and school events. They trust school employees in leading their children. We have parent teacher conferences twice a year and host numerous events that include the entire community, not just current parents. Conversely, students in a rural community have limited options for employment, activities to participate in and access to culturally rich opportunities.

The advantage to teaching in a small, rural community is the personal experience that each student receives. As an educator, I feel like I have a strong impact on our students because they know that the way to be successful is to pursue their goals using the support we provide

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