Osbaldo Gonzalez

2022-2024 Young Educators' Advisory Council Alum - Nyssa, OR

September 9, 2022 |

Obaldo Gonzalez, 3rd Grade Dual Language Teacher
Nyssa Elementary School in Nyssa, OR

My Name is Osbaldo Gonzalez, and I am a Rural school teacher in eastern Oregon. I grew up in Ontario Oregon and spent most of my life here. I come from an agricultural culture and Mexican immigrant parents. The community I was raised in was low-income, and at times challenging. With the help of my family, friends, and teachers I was able to be a first-generation college graduate in my family. I love learning and helping others, and one day I will be the governor of Oregon!

I am excited to join YEA Council so I can collaborate my ideas with like-minded teachers and improve the well-being of rural school teachers.

The Young Educators' Advisory Council is an initiative for early career rural teachers. These young educators will serve RSC as advisors to strengthen our mission in the recruitment, preparation, and retention of rural teachers. YEA council members will serve for two years engaging in online conversations.

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