Northern Rockies

Teton Science Schools serves as the anchor for our Northern Rockies hub.

Teton Science Schools, a national leader in place-based education, anchors our Northern Rockies hub, which is centered around meaningful rural place-based education. TSS has campuses in Jackson, Wyoming and Victor, Idaho, and additionally serves schools throughout the country with its outreach and educator professional development programs. Leslie Cook, Head of Professional Learning at Teton Science Schools, serves as the hub contact for the Northern Rockies.

The partnership and work of the Northern Rockies hub site centers on Teton Science Schools’ Place Network, a network of K-12 schools that focus on connecting rural schools and communities through place-based education. The long-term vision for TSS is a scalable, rural school K-12 model that centers on student-centered place-based education across all curriculum areas. To better connect the schools, TSS will be developing a digital network for rural school collaboration; Rural Schools Collaborative assists the TSS program in the establishment of Place Network Schools. To learn more about our Northern Rockies Regional Hub, explore below.

Teton Science Schools' Place Network

A national learning community focused on place-based education.

Rethinking Rural

You Want to Do What? Innovation in Rural Schools.

An Essay from Nate McClennen, Vice President of Strategy and Innovation at Getting Smart.

Learning to leave - the subject and title of Michael Corbett’s 2009 book about rural coastal Maine epitomizes the challenges many rural communities face. We encourage young people to leave to attend higher education or other post-secondary opportunities, and many never return. This is a loss. It contributes to the pattern of ongoing global urbanization and ultimately causes a decrease in long-term viability of rural communities. Populations decrease. Schools close. Families move. Businesses shut down.

Yet, rural is important - providing energy, food, water, open-spaces, and recreation for the nation; while providing a good quality of life and strong communities to many. However, sustaining rural places will not rest solely on natural resources. Rural places must become innovation centers with unique identities that allow multiple industries to thrive - including increasing remote technology opportunities. Diversification of opportunity will increase long term vitality of a community - and increase the number of graduates who see possibility and hope in a future in their home-towns. Perhaps, for those who left, this will then change the mantra from learning to leave to learning to return. For those who stayed, their unique talents and dreams are amplified through a more vibrant community.

Where do we start?

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