Working with EducationSuperhighway to Close the Connectivity Gap

Digital connectivity is a rural imperative!

October 21, 2019 |

Access to high-speed Internet can significantly expand learning opportunities for rural schools and create positive benefits for the entire community. That’s why we’re proud to announce our partnership with the national non-profit EducationSuperHighway to help address school connectivity gaps, specifically in rural areas.

Together, we look forward to celebrating rural educators already using the Internet to enhance instruction. We will also share tips, tools, and opportunities for free support with rural school leaders to help them upgrade their broadband.

This summer, our joint Survey of Rural Schools and Communities with the National Rural Education Association and TNTP outlined the top challenges facing rural schools today. With over 2,500 responses from educators and advocates across 45 states, the report concluded that the lack of broadband access remains a barrier for many schools - specifically in retaining and recruiting teachers.

Robust and reliable Internet is critical to launching innovative technology solutions that enable rural schools to address those challenges. With a high-speed connection, schools can expand distance education offerings, provide access to virtual labs and field trips, and enhance professional development opportunities for teachers and staff.

EducationSuperHighway is the leading nonprofit focused on upgrading the Internet access in every public school classroom in America. To see how their work helps school district leaders gain access to the Internet needed for digital learning, visit

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