Charleston, IL Mentoring Program Launches

Students and technology come together for math mentoring program

March 29, 2016 |

The inaugural 2015-16 Rural Schools Collaborative Grants in Place program awarded Jessica Cleeton Miller, Charleston (IL) High School math teacher, $354 to support the launch of a peer-to-peer math mentoring program. The award was announced last fall at an event held in the Charleston Middle School.

Jessica recently provided the Rural School Collaborative with a summary of the project's progress:

"The Numeracy students are paired up with my Regular Algebra 1 students in their Algebra 1 class. In the initial grant I sent you examples of mathematics problem solving that they do together as they work as partners and master the skills. The Algebra 1 kids mentor the Numeracy students."

Jessica added:

"We have gone almost an entire year with the TI-30 xiis. The biggest purpose of the calculators is to help the language between the students be similar as they are helping each other. The overall performance of my numeracy students has sky rocketed as well as their confidence."

Well, this is great to hear, Jessica. We are always pleased to report on our grant recipients' progress.

To learn more about our other 2015-16 Grants in Place projects, please check out our Grants in Place Gallery.

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