Our Mission:

Rural Schools Collaborative’s mission is to build sustainable rural communities through a keen focus on place, teachers, and philanthropy. Our work strengthens the bonds between rural schools and their communities by collaborating on models to address the rural teacher shortage, sustainably fund rural school communities, promote place-based learning, and share a positive national rural narrative.

RSC Board 2015 Historical photo feature block

Brief History:

The Rural Schools Collaborative was envisioned during an early summer 2014 planning meeting in St. Louis and incorporated as a 501-c-3 nonprofit later that year. RSC was formally launched in the spring of 2015 with the support of caring rural volunteers. Today, Rural Schools Collaborative now serves more than 30 states through our Regional Hub Network, and is led by a stellar board of directors and a small, dedicated staff.

Explore the RSC Timeline

Our Team

Rural Schools Collaborative maintains a small, dedicated team to support our Regional Hub Network programs and partnerships.

Our Team

Regional Hub Network

RSC's Regional Hub Network is made up of rural-serving organizations doing incredible boots-on-the-ground work with rural schools and communities, scaling our national impact.

Regional Hub Network

Board of Directors

RSC's volunteer Board of Directors provide strategic leadership and direction for our work. These rural champions make up RSC's governing body, and are integral to our work.

Board of Directors

Our Programs:

As a collaborative network, the many partners of Rural Schools Collaborative make possible our diverse programs dedicated to building strong and sustainable rural communities.

Our Vision:

Every rural community​ has well-resourced ​schools​ ​with ​empowered and talented teachers and leaders​ ​who ​develop agency​ in young people to see a ​positive future in their community​. Through a connected rural ​collaborative, ​high quality effective learning experiences are ​shared ​and ​scaled.

Theory of Change

Our Values:



​We create space to amplify, seek leadership from, and include contribution from marginalized identities and communities.



We connect people and build relationships to foster collaborative success.


Sparking Ideas and Starting Small​

We believe that great ideas start small and grow big.



We support scalable practices.


Letting Go

We let go of projects that others are better poised to grow.


Hope and Possibility

​We see unconditional positive regard for the potential of rural places.



We do things that directly impact rural communities.

Finances & Reports

Rural Schools Collaborative is dedicated to the sustainability of rural communities and schools, and we understand the importance of trust and accountability in fulfilling our mission. We invite you to explore our financial and annual impact reports as one way we hold ourselves accountable to the rural communities we serve.

View our historical records
Student home

Make an Impact

As a small, grassroots organization, our work would not be possible without support from caring individuals like you. Thank you to all of our donors, and we encourage you to make a gift for rural education today!
