Brittany Richardson

2020-2022 Young Educators' Advisory Council Alum - Livingston, AL

November 11, 2020 |

Brittany Richardson, YEA Council Alum

Brittany Richardson pursued her passion for teaching at the University of West Alabama and received her bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. After graduating, Brittany began teaching Kindergarten and then pursued her Masters in Elementary Education. Brittany is a Black Belt Teacher Corps Scholar, became an advocate for the I Am a Rural Teacher Campaign, and Rural Schools Collaborative and Alabama Humanities Foundation Grant recipient. Over the years, she has grown to recognize the uniqueness, as well as the joys and realities of teaching in a rural area. She believes being part of an intentional council of new rural teachers supports other young educators at the start of their career and sheds light on the beauty of teaching in a rural area.

The Young Educators' Advisory Council is an initiative for early career rural teachers. These young educators will serve RSC as advisors to strengthen our mission in the recruitment, preparation, and retention of rural teachers. YEA council members will serve for two years engaging in online conversations.

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