Thad Walker, Meredosia, Illinois

March 3, 2020 |

We are asking rural communities to share how COVID-19 is impacting them and how teachers and teacher-leaders are adapting in the face of nationwide school closures. Read below for a great story from Stephen Wilder of Knoxville, Illinois, home of the Blue Bullets. You can share yours here:⠀

"I'm so proud of our school district for rising to the occasion in many ways. The two that come to mind are providing e-learning opportunities for students for continuous education, and feeding students. Our kitchen staff has come in without hesitation to prepare meals, and our staff filled a volunteer sign up in short order to help distribute the meals. I participated in meal distribution today and was in awe of how much our staff enjoyed helping our families, enjoyed being together, and were touched by the gratitude of our families. Our staff and community have been rockstars!!!"

Stephen Wilder has been a tireless supporter of school and community issues. Not only has he had a wonderful run as Knoxville's school superintendent, but he was instrumental in helping to establish what has been a wonderful partnership between the Galesburg Community Foundation and the Knoxville Community Fund.

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