Announcing the Young Educators' Advisory Council

A Rural Schools Collaborative project in support of I Am A Rural Teacher

June 2, 2020 |

The Rural Schools Collaborative is seeking the energy, enthusiasm, and dreams of first- and second-year rural teachers to serve on a new Young Educators' Advisory Council! RSC is a national non-profit organization supporting rural schools through a keen focus on place, teachers, and philanthropy.

This new effort will work in conjunction with the I Am A Rural Teacher Campaign, an advocacy program promoted in collaboration with the National Rural Education Association. The IAART Campaign is funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

RSC is reaching out to first- and second-year rural school teachers, who are willing to serve on an advisory committee for the Rural Schools Collaborative. The organization is striving to

develop a group that is diverse, committed, and interested in influencing the future of America’s rural school communities.

The Council will consist of 8-11 first- and second-year rural teachers who will serve on the Young Educators' Advisory (YEA!) Council for two years. Throughout this time, members will engage in four webinars (twice a year), and serve as advocates in sharing their stories to other young rural educators across the country. Additionally, RSC will share with YEA members resources and other opportunities that are available for rural teachers. Members will also receive a $250 honorarium per year.

Please fill out this interest form, or get in touch with us at regarding any questions.

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